Recovery Tips for your credit card terminal following a power outage — Precision Payment Systems

Recovery Tips for your credit card terminal following a power outage

Whether it's a hurricane, thunderstorm, blown transformer, or something else entirely, the power will unfortunately go out from time to time. 

Recovering from a power outage may seem like no big deal, but hardwired electronics (plugged into a power source) actually need a little more attention paid to them to reduce the chance of a malfunction or power surge when the power is restored. One of these electronics is your credit card terminal. Proper recovery of your terminal is very important and Precision Payment Systems wants to ensure your business is back up and running with no issue. 

Below are 3 important recovery tips for your credit card terminal following a power outage:

  • To avoid damage from power surges, unplug all credit card terminals and point of sale equipment from ALL power sources until power is restored.

  • Internet service is required to run credit card terminals and point of sale equipment. Once power has been restored, confirm you have internet service before processing any transactions.

  • Once power and internet service has been restored and all equipment has been plugged back in, run a test transaction to confirm your terminal and/or system are functioning properly.

If your equipment has been damaged please contact us ASAP to discuss options available to get you up and running quickly.

In the event of a loss of power, be proactive to reduce the likelihood of a terminal malfunction. Following the steps listed above will ensure you're business is ready to go when the power is restored.
